Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Is There a Doctor in the Galaxy...........?

          Since my 10/12/10 post on this blog entitled, “ETs Heal Humans in Alternative Clinics,” I’ve had a lot of questions about the ET Medical Teams, so here are some answers.

Background of the ET Medical Teams

ETs have been on Earth and interacting with humans since before recorded time.  These interactions have not been accomplished by individual ETs acting on their own, but through specific projects organized and administered by ET groups for various purposes.  Some of these ET groups refer to themselves as galactic councils or federations.  Because of the difficulties of interplanetary travel, ETs aren’t able to just flag down a passing spacecraft or beam themselves to Earth any time they want.  Nor would an individual ET be able to survive on Earth without the support of a large and high-advanced organization.  Like our own fledgling space programs, ET space programs were designed and created by groups of scientists, corporations and other types of organizations for the purpose of developing the technology necessary to make interplanetary and intergalactic travel possible.  Once that was accomplished, they then created specific programs and projects for various purposes.  Some of the projects involved beings from the planets where they were developed, and some recruited beings from planets throughout the galaxy.  Throughout the centuries, many of these groups have come to Earth, each with their own agendas, and who may or may not have coordinated with each other.  Some who came many years ago are still here, and some came and went when their purpose was achieved.

ETs have been working with human healers for centuries. In many cases, the healers didn’t realize that it was ETs doing the healing, or they knew ETs were involved, but chose not to advertise or divulge the fact to their patients.  The human healers typically did their work by channeling energy through their bodies either naturally or by using techniques like Reiki, meditation, prayer or laying-on of hands.  Several years ago I was one of those healers, and there are still a lot of them around today doing good work.  Such “miraculous” healings are chronicled as far back as the Bible.  But by the 1990s (in Earth time), the technological strides made by ET scientists and engineers enabled the creation of a new type of organized healing project.  The ET Medical Teams (aka Alien Medical Teams or ET Healing Teams - ETMTs) were formed and introduced to Earth.

A consortium of ET races and groups who had a history of interaction with Earth humans organized and sponsored this new project.  ETs with medical training and experience from all over the galaxy were recruited into the project, trained in human anatomy, physiology, psychology and behavior, taught how to use the ET medical technology, and then assigned to specific teams.  They willingly gave up their homes, families and ways of life for the privilege of participating in this project.  In the early to mid-1990’s, ET communicators began contacting human healers, channels or mediums and requesting their assistance in setting up and activating the project.  Thus, the ETMTs were introduced to Earth, and the work has continued ever since.

Why are they here?

            This organized ET medical collaboration with human healers represents a leap forward in ET/human contact that goes beyond the experiences of UFO sightings, encounters, abductions, or crash events that happened in the past.  The purpose is to raise public awareness and increase human acceptance of ET existence in the universe and their presence on Earth.  They want us to know that there are benevolent forces in the universe reaching out to us and not all (if any) ETs are bad.  Unlike the popular TV show "V,"  genuine ET medical teams working with humans aren’t using medical treatments to enslave or manipulate humans.  Their goal is to help prepare humans for full and open contact with ET civilizations and eventual inclusion in the galactic federation.

Which ETs participate in the healing teams?

            ETMTs are composed of trained doctors and technicians from various races or groups within the galaxy, and possibly beyond, who are recruited to participate in the project.  They are supported by a vast armada of scientists, engineers, technicians, and communicators who keep the medical machines, equipment and materials up-to-date and in working condition, and communicate with human healers.  The teams are rotated over a period of time to work with different human healers, and specialists are called in to perform specific treatments, when necessary.  While treatment is usually done in the human healer’s office or treatment room on Earth, patients are sometimes taken to the ET craft or dimension for treatment.  However, this is never done without the full knowledge and consent of the human healer and patient, and only in extreme emergencies.

What do they do?

The ET doctors do treatments only with the full consent of the person.  No abductions take place and no experiments or treatments are done against the patient's will.  At all times, both the patient and human healer are conscious, safe and in control.  Of the many thousands of people who have experienced this type of therapy, no one has ever reported a negative side effect or any manipulation by a human healer or ET doctors or technicians.  If healing isn't truly desired, nothing will be done. 

What does the human healer do?

ETMTs always work with a human healer.  The ET doctors work directly on the patient using advanced technology, equipment and materials that they bring with them.  The human healer assists in the treatment, acts as a consultant to the doctors, and relays information to the patient.

What is a treatment like?

During treatments, patients often feel sensations such as itching, tingling, heat or cold, increase or decrease in gravity, etc.  The ET doctors and technicians are not usually visible to patients, but some especially sensitive patients do see and communicate with the ETs.  But that’s not necessary.  Others patients simply experience a feeling of relaxation and well-being.  Everyone who has had a treatment has reported that they felt relaxed, comfortable and had no pain during the session.  In addition to the medical activity, the ETs sometimes answer questions on different issues, including information about the patient, ET activity on Earth and Earth events, if the information is productive and appropriate.

How can ETs, who are not 3D beings, heal someone in 3D?
Their advanced technology enables them to convert a portion of space into a sort of inter-dimensional bubble that is created around the patient, the ET doctors and the human healer.  In this bubble, the ETs do their work, using machines, equipment and materials that they bring with them into the space.  In the early days, the teams constructed 4D clinics in the human healer’s home or office where they worked exclusively.  But recent improvements in their technology now allow mobile clinics to be used when needed.  The ETMTs use not only advanced machines, equipment and tools, but they also manufacture biomimetic materials that can be utilized in many different applications. 

I don't know a lot about ET technology, other than the medical stuff.  Members of the teams don’t chit-chat during a session.  Aside from giving instructions to their human assistant and instructions to be relayed to the patient, they’re pretty much all-business.  Basically, they show up, do their work, and go back to their dimension until they are needed again.  Likewise, when I’m in a healing session, I’m interested in helping my client, not in chatting with the ETs about hyperspace travel, etc.  In his book “X3, Healing, Entities and Aliens,” Adrian Dvir gives a lot of information about ET technology.  As an engineer, he was interested in the nuts and bolts details of many aspects of their technology, and was able to get some in-depth information from the ETs.  If you're interested in the technical aspects, check out that wonderful book.

Can the ETs cure anything?

Unfortunately, no.  Just as human medicine doesn’t have a cure for everything, the ETMTs don’t either.  But the ETs are usually able to bring about some amount of improvement in the patient and ease their discomfort.  Regardless of who does it, healing takes time and a person may require more than one treatment and follow-up activities over a period of time to complete the healing process.  Also, there are many reasons why people get sick – not all are physiological – and, as human doctors know, if a person doesn’t really want to get better, they won’t.  What the ETMTs do may seem miraculous to us, but it’s simply the result of their skill, advanced knowledge and technology.  ETs aren’t gods or miracle workers.
There isn’t any overlap between conventional medicine and medical treatment by ETs, so a person can use both.  The best way to deal with medical problems is to seek the help of human medical professionals first.  If they can’t provide a satisfactory solution or a patient isn’t happy with the treatment, he or she can then seek the help of an ETMT.  Contact should be maintained with the human doctor throughout and any medications prescribed should continue to be taken.  Interestingly, human medical technology often confirms results achieved by an ETMT.
How do we know that the ETMTs are really here to help us?

ETMTs have been honest with humans since the beginning of this program.  They have told us that while they are happy to heal us, their main reason for being here is disclosure – to inform and educate humans about them, their abilities and their positive motives, and to help prepare us for inclusion into the galactic community.  They do not abduct humans or animals against their will.  Although they are far in advance of us technologically, they don't ask to be looked up to, considered better than us, or worshipped.  The ETs I work with are unfailingly professional, courteous and considerate.  I have witnessed healing of clients and have been healed by the ETMTs myself.  There have never been any reports of negative side effects or problems associated with them.  I wish conventional human medicine could say the same.

Despite the desire of many humans, ETs will never come to Earth in the open in broad daylight until they know that we are ready to accept them without fear and hostility.  It's going to take many years – possibly many generations – before that happens.  But today the ETMTs are part of the movement to get us to the point of open contact.  And in the meantime, they can make us feel a lot better.  So what’s not to like?

The ET Medical Teams wish to thank the humans on Earth for the opportunity to contribute to the growth and enrichment of both the human race and themselves.
The ET Medical Teams


Friday, November 19, 2010

Catch a Wave!

            As a UFO investigator, I have often wondered why so many ET abduction experiences take place in the depths of night when the experiencer is sleeping. I used to think it was a coincidence or that ETs just love to party when the sun goes down.  Obviously, they don't want to be seen, but in my role as a hypnotherapist and student of the mind, I have come to believe that it’s more than that.   While ETs may enjoy an evening out on the town, when it comes to working with humans, I think they know exactly what they are doing and when to do it.  Of course, UFO skeptics, debunkers and other non-believers claim it's all about sleep paralysis and dreams.  And in some cases, they may be right.  But certainly not in every situation.

            The human brain is made up of billions of brain cells - neurons - that use electricity to communicate with each other.  The combination of millions of neurons sending signals at the same time produces an enormous amount of electrical activity in the brain.  When viewed on an encephalogram (EEG), this activity has a cyclic, wave-like nature, and so it is commonly called a “brainwave pattern.”  Your mind regulates its activities by means of electric waves which are registered in your brain.  Psychologists refer to these waves as Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta.

           Basically, the faster a brain wave moves and the higher the frequency, the more alert you are.  The slower a wave and lower the frequency, the more chilled-out you are.  You see, we all have the ability to get to Margaritaville any time we want by simply shifting our brainwaves down.  It may not be as much fun as tequila shots, but it's a lot cheaper and easier on your liver.

So it seems that it's all about waves and frequencies.  ETs evolved on planets and dimensions different from Earth, so their physical functions and abilities, vision and hearing, are different from ours.  Their bodies also vibrate at frequencies different from ours, which makes it difficult or impossible for us to see or hear them when in our natural waking state of consciousness.  And just to make the whole thing even more difficult, most ET groups have agreed not to show themselves to humans in the 3rd dimension, even if they have the ability to do so.  Fortunately, such agreements do not prohibit communication.  When you've been working with human beings as long as the ETs have, you know how to make things happen.

According to ET communication researchers – and information from ETs themselves - the key to success in ET-human communication is the activity level of the human brain.  We seem to be able to see and hear our space visitors better when we are in chill-out mode - Theta wave level or slower.  The problem is that the only thing slower than Theta is Delta - sleep - and then we're too out-of-it to communicate.  So Theta seems to be the ideal frequency for contact and communication.

Consider a typical ET abduction scenario - an individual is snoozing peacefully at night (or during the day if he's on vacation, unemployed or living in Spain), suddenly he is awakened by a sound or movement and opens his eyes to see strange beings or lights in the room.  He then finds himself either transported to another location or waking up sometime later wondering what happened.  Many abduction experiences are of this type.  What likely happened is that even though the person thought he woke up, he didn't - not fully.  Instead, he woke up only to Theta level - the level just above sleep.  At that level he could see, hear and feel the ETs, but he wasn't awake enough to put up a fight.  The ETs then were free to take the person out for a galactic pizza, peform a physical examination, install implants, or whatever, and return him when they were done.  It works great for the ETs.  And in most cases, probably for the humans too, who are often left with no more than a strange scar, someone else's p.j.'s or vague memories. 

In another type of contact scenario, people have reported waking up to find strange beings around them, but instead of being taken by the beings, they resisted with physical action - such as yelling, clapping their hands or punching the ETs in the face.  Whereupon, the ETs disappeared.  In actuality, what likely happened is that the person was awakened by the presence of the ETs to what they thought was full consciousness, but what was instead, Theta level.  They saw the beings and became frightened, which caused a natural adrenaline rush in the body.  This enabled them to make a noise or strike out at the beings and at the same time brought them up to Alpha or Beta consciousness (awake) - a state in which they could no longer see the ETs.  The visitors didn't necessarily disappear; the person just couldn't see them any longer when awake.  It makes sense.  Blood adrenaline levels are low when you're sleeping.  But if someone sneaks up and wakens you suddenly, a shot of adrenaline is the fight-or-flight cocktail that instantaneously launches you out of a dead sleep into full-on ninja mode.

             Even during daylight, experiencers often report being contacted by or communicating with ETs while in an altered state of consciousness such as meditation or prayer.  Once the person is roused from the altered state, the beings disappear.  

Altered state and meditation protocols that affect human brain wave levels have been developed and effectively used by some ET communication researchers for the past few years.  If you're interested in communicating with ETs, it's possible to learn to attain the Theta level and remain at that level (which is the hard part) without falling asleep.  But it requires practice.  Meditation techniques such as Yoga Nidra and brain wave entrainment CDs can be helpful.

What about all the other abduction scenarios that don't involve waking up from a deep sleep?  That I don't know about.  We have so much more to learn from our visitors about them and about ourselves.  But most researchers in this field agree that ETs have the ability to manipulate the human brain in many ways.  And according to some ETs, Theta waves are involved in at least the sleeping events.

So the next time you wake up with strange creatures standing by your bed and you're not in the mood for an unplanned outing, try throwing a punch at them.  They'll be gone in a flash and you'll be too awake for them to mess with you - at least this time.  On the other hand, if you are up for an ET field trip, try not to wake up - stay calm and don't open your eyes too wide.

The truth is that ETs are here, and our own natural brain waves may enable us to get to know them.  How cool is that! 


Thursday, November 11, 2010

“Just Lie Back, Relax and Think About the Mother Ship.”

[an Experiencer memoir]
               I was recently reminded of the first time I came into contact with a true UFO believer (and maybe an ET).  It happened during my student days at a large, southwestern U.S. university.  I had an appointment at the Student Health Center for my annual poke-and-prod (known to all women as the GYN checkup).  Men will never understand the intensely unpleasant experience that most women in the western world subject themselves to every year in the name of reproductive health.  And yes, guys, we get proctological exams too, so don’t whine to me about those.  Of course, I’m aware of the many women whose lives are saved every year by early diagnosis of various diseases found in annual poke-and-prods.  I’m not saying they’re useless, just that they are one of the most unpleasant gifts western civilization has ever bestowed on the female members of the species.  (I’ll reserve the subject of mammograms for my blog post on torture devices of the Spanish Inquisition.)

              But back to my remembrance.  Upon arriving at Student Health, I was ushered into a private office to wait for the gynecologist de jour.  While waiting, I couldn’t help but notice a plastic model of a flying saucer on the desk and a large poster of another on the wall.  Not typical décor for a doctor’s office, but cool.  The doctor eventually appeared - young, capable and apparently human.  After a short chat, I was shown into the examination room and told to disrobe and get on the table – the usual routine.  A few minutes later, the doctor returned and proceeded through the preliminary part of the examination – the part that didn’t require my doing a head-stand sans underwear.  Open wide and say Ahhhhhhhhhhhh.  Take a deep breath and exhale.  Raise your arm.  Does it hurt when I do that?  Yada, yada, yada.  Then the uncomfortable part – lie back, put your feet in the stirrups, scoot down to the end of the table, open your knees and relax.  Yeah, right.  Any woman who can relax at this point is doing some serious drugs or just came from a three-Appletini lunch. The only way to make it through this routine is to breathe deeply, pretend that you're studying the water circles on the ceiling and try to forget that you are lying, spread-eagle on a cold paper-covered table with a complete stranger eyeball-to-eyeball with your nether regions.
            Usually, this moment is accompanied by awkward silence, so imagine my surprise when I heard the doctor’s voice rise up from the stool between my knees - “Can I ask you a question?”  I thought, okay here it comes, she’s gonna give me a hard time about that piercing I got last year. "Sure," I said.  In the most matter-of-fact, professional voice you've ever heard, she asked “What would you do if you got up one morning and looked out your front door and the whole sky was dark with flying saucers?”  Her exact words.  Pregnant pause.  Moment out of time.  I felt the universe squeeze in around me and all I could think was “huh?”  My mouth answered, “Well, I guess I’d be a little scared.”  Apparently not the correct answer.  “Why would you be afraid?  They’re not here to hurt us.”  “As a matter of fact, there is a giant mother ship in orbit around the Earth right now,” from the stool.   Okay, now I know I’ve entered the Twilight Zone.

             As a Sci-Fi fanatic practically from birth, this idea wasn’t completely foreign or even frightening to me.  As a matter of fact, I considered it a fascinating possibility.  It’s just not something I expected to hear from a medical professional busily scraping my insides with a sterile spatula.  It was one of those slipping-into-unreality experiences that either make you laugh hysterically or sends you screaming for campus security.  I laughed.  Time stood still and I don’t know what happened next except that I managed to get dressed and flee.

            The good news is that I got a clean bill of health – not pregnant, no cancer, VD (or alien implants).  Just a crazy experience to write about in a future blog.  My health insurance even covered it.  Many years later, when I consciously became involved in the UFO phenomenon, I wondered who – or what – this doctor really was.  Even though I had visited Student Health a few more times after that, I never saw her again.  Maybe this was my first nudge in the direction of what I do today.  At any rate, it was good for a laugh, and I haven’t had such an interesting poke-and-prod since. 

            If the Truth is really out there, it’s probably lurking in the places we least expect it - doctors' offices, department store fitting rooms, coffee shops.  If I had the chance to go through that examination again, would I?  You bet.  Only this time I would have a lot of questions for the doctor.  And then a three-Appletini lunch!



Friday, November 5, 2010

Should I Get Therapy for my ET Experiences?

           Experiencers are individuals who have been abducted or had first-hand contact with extraterrestrial (ET) or inter-dimensional beings, aliens or UFOs.  This contact may manifest in various ways, including physical abduction and psychic contact, only once or repeatedly over the course of lifetimes.  Some Experiencers have conscious memories of these events and respond with joy and a feeling of privilege or blessing, even eagerly anticipating the next experience.  However, many react with fear, dread or confusion and find themselves alone and doubting their own sanity.  In most cases, there is no conscious memory or, at best, vague partial recollections or recurring dreams of something that they don’t understand that fill them with dread and confusion. 

     As a hypnotherapist, many Experiencers ask me if they should have hypnotherapy to recover memories or deal with the memories they already have of what has happened to them.  I always say the same thing - "Well, that depends."  And then next I ask them a question: "Are memories of your experience causing problems for you?"  If the answer is No, then I tell them to save their money or spend it on something other than therapy.  If the answer is Yes, then we need to talk further and maybe try hypnotherapy.

     Hypnotherapy can help to lessen chronic anxiety caused by dreams and intrusive thoughts that often follow ET experiences and can enable Experiencers to gain new insight into years of possible misunderstood or unexplained behavior rooted in their ET experiences.  Troublesome issues such as fears/phobias and obsessive-compulsive behaviors that stem from ET contact often decrease or disappear completely when the experience is carefully and competently explored and reconciled.  Many Experiencers report that after hypnotherapy, they are finally able to sleep normally and go about their daily lives without the disturbing half-memories and nightmares that had plagued them.  In addition, they often find they are more confident in many areas of their lives.  Hypnotherapy can bring abduction or contact memories into normal recall, where the Experiencer can ultimately come to terms with them.  Coming to terms with any issue is the first step in overcoming it.  Research has shown that people who have chosen to explore their ET experiences with hypnotherapy are almost always satisfied with their decision.  Then again, if you aren't having any problems as a result of your ET experiences, there's no need to get help.  The old saw "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" applies here.

     However, if you are an Experiencer, or think you may be, and if you are considering hypnotherapy, you should look carefully at a few facts before going ahead with your exploration. 

     1.   Know that the decision to pursue these experiences and memories will be one of the most important that you ever make.  If you learn that you are an Experiencer and come to understand the ramifications, there will be no turning back.  Your life will never be the same.  This can be positive or negative, but whichever it is, it will be a turning point in your life.  Are you ready for that?

      2.   Another consideration is the timing.  Are there things going on in your life – family or work problems, health issues, etc. – that might make you more vulnerable at this particular time?  Exploration of abduction/contact memories can be traumatic, and problems or instability in your life may not provide a stable foundation.  Such an exploration can also be time-consuming and expensive – both valid considerations.  Remember that repressed experiences or memories will always be there, so unless they are especially problematic, you may want to wait until a more stable period in your life before investigating them. 

     3.   Realize that memories sometimes do not reflect reality and you should always strive to retain a healthy skepticism of them.  The human mind is very complex and memory can be undependable.  People sometimes remember events incorrectly, create imaginary scenarios (consciously or unconsciously) and remember things that didn’t happen to them.  This is especially true with memories of abduction/contact events.  ETs appear to be adept at mental and neurological manipulation, thereby causing a person to see things that aren’t there or to see things differently from what they are.  It is important to seek the help of a well-trained, experienced and ethical therapist who can help you recover valid memories and assist you in navigating through them. 

     4.   Freshly recalled abduction events can cause unexpected revelations that may bring up other issues.  Such revelations can also alter relationships with your family and friends, who might question your sanity.  While many Experiencers get support from their family and friends, they are in the minority.  Are you prepared for the possibility of having to make this journey without the support and understanding of your loved ones?

      5.   If you are comfortable sharing your memories and experiences with others and open to the ideas of others, you might consider participating in an Experiencer support group rather than private therapy.  Such groups can be helpful in recalling and working through abduction/contact experiences on a light level and are less expensive than private therapy.  However, they are not as effective as private therapy and you won’t get the individual guidance and personal support you may need.

      Despite these concerns, many Experiencers report that they wouldn’t trade anything for what they discovered when the veil was lifted from their repressed abduction/contact memories.  Many have come to a new understanding of themselves and found a fresh point of view on their lives and the universe as a whole.  But remember that any exploration of repressed memories can lead to both positive and negative developments.  Such a decision should be your choice, based on careful consideration of all the pros and cons.  Don’t let anyone influence you to go forward if you aren’t ready.  And if you do decide to make that journey, be sure to choose a qualified, competent and ethical hypnotherapist to be your helper and guide.