Monday, December 27, 2010






"Let this be a lesson, Son.  Don't drink and fly!"



Monday, December 20, 2010


Have a merry Christmas, happy Chanukah, super St. Nicholas Day, lovely Las Posadas, wonderful Winter Solstice, cool Yule, beautiful Boxing Day, swell Noel, harmonius Holy Innocents Day, stately St. Stephen's Day, krazy Kwanzaa, marvelous Mummering, tremendous Twelve Days of Christmasspecial St. Lucia Day, and admirable Advent - y'all!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Scientists Decode the First Email from an Alien Civilization!!

(based on

"Simply send 6 x 10^50 atoms of hydrogen to the star system at the top of the list, cross off that star system, then put your star system at the bottom of the list and send it to 100 other star systems. Within one-tenth of a galactic rotation you will receive enough hydrogen to power your civilization until entropy reaches its maximum!  Don't break the chain.  If you do, you'll have 1,000 light years of bad luck!"

--- I broke the chain, and I'm still trying to clean up the mess!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

E.T. Phone Me!

On June 5, 2010, I participated in a historic event – the world’s first TV broadcast of contact between extraterrestrials and humans.  Led by author and contact researcher, Lyssa Royal-Holt, I was among seven people who gathered in the Phoenix studio of Spectrum Video and Film to participate in Experience Contact (Paranormal Matrix TV), a live webcast devoted to establishing communication with extraterrestrial beings.  The studio team was joined by over 1,000 people around the world who tuned in to participate.
Lyssa Royal-Holt has researched ET-human communication for many years, and everyone on the team was experienced in contact as well, but this was the first time any of us - or anyone else in the civilized world for that matter -  had attempted a contact session in front of television cameras broadcasting live around the globe.  It was very exciting and not a little bit intimidating.  They say the camera adds 20 pounds.  They are right.  And trust me, there’s nothing that puts a crimp in your style like a TV camera poking it's steely eye into your face while you are trying to focus your mind.  Zoom in - on the wrinkles between your eyebrows.  Zoom in - on the pores on your nose.  Zoom in – on your sweaty upper lip.  Not pretty – on anyone.  Had I realized that this was going to be reality TV, I would’ve demanded a professional hair and make-up artist on site.  Too late.
Many people who communicate with ETs experience some type of physical effects during the process.  Rocking back and forth, swaying side-to-side, head movements, involuntary rapid eye movements, and gesturing or movement of the hands and arms are common.  I just happen to do them all.  If you do contact work with the same group of people for a while, you get to know how each person reacts, and you learn to ignore it.  To outsiders, however, it can be somewhat unnerving.  There are different explanations for these involuntary movements, and I can’t speak for everyone, but I understand mine.   It happens when I'm exposed to high level energies or frequencies -- higher consciousness or ETs.  Once the energy begins to flow, my own personal St. Vitus Dance commences.
Of course, I am comfortable with this and it doesn’t bother me.  But most of the time when it happens, I’m not in a TV studio being stared down by cameras, taped and broadcast live around the world.  So, to avoid the appearance of possession, I had decided in advance to consciously squelch any contact-related movement.  Not an easy task, but I made it through the first part of the program without drawing any undue attention to myself.  My control wasn't to continue, however, and during the second protocol, the spirit began to move and my eyeballs started to bounce.  Well, as long as my head doesn't start spinning, maybe no one will notice, I thought.  No such luck.
In addition to the on-camera studio team, Paranormal Matrix had ensconsed a group of sensitive viewers in a separate room to observe the team, supply a play-by-play of the action and provide fashion commentary should any ETs show up in the flesh.  During the second protocol, one very astute observer noticed my ocular fibrillations.  Busted!

Fortunately, my failed attempt at control didn’t hamper communication, which came through loud and clear, to me and many others.  Voices.  Many voices.  Light - blinding and transporting.  Vibrant bodies.  Many bodies.  Crackling energy.  A lot of that.

So, did communication happen?  Yes.  Did ETs come into the TV studio?  Yes.  Were they caught on tape?  No.  Why?  For the same reasons they are seldom caught on tape.  Essentially, the studio experience didn’t prove anything new.  But it was nonetheless wondrous – as contact experiences always are.  What the event confirmed is that geography, language and social systems present no barriers to the power of contact between beings of this world and beings from other worlds.  ETs are here.  They are communicating.  Some people are listening.  

BTW, anyone who thinks ETs don't have a sense of humor, has a lot to look forward to.

All in all, the experience was amazing and fun.  Over the next few days and weeks, viewers from around the globe emailed, face-booked and twittered Paranormal Matrix about what they felt, saw and heard during the event.  Many experiences were similar to those of the in-studio team.  All were moving.  Some were life-changing.  Doors opened.  Bonds formed.  And we all moved a step closer to international and intergalactic understanding and disclosure.  Then we all went out for Mexican food.  Arriba!

There may or may not be another live contact webcast.  But individuals and small groups will continue attempting contact in their homes and in the field, and more and more humans will meet their space brothers - or mothers and fathers – in the coming years. 

Will we ever meet them en masse?  I don’t think my generation will.  And probably not the next generation either.  But, yes, they will come - when they can do so without wreaking havoc or being attacked.  And when they come, our great grandchildren will simply ask “what took you so long?”


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

T'was The Night Before Christmas - Somewhere Out There ................

(my apologies to Clement Moore - who is, I'm sure, rolling over in his grave)

T’was the night before Christmas and all through the dome, not an alien was stirring.  Not even a clone.

My mate in her tail curler and I in my crest cap, had just settled down for a long diurnal nap.
The androids were stacked in the store room with care, in hopes that St. Rpdzswik soon would be there.
The hybrids were nestled all snug in their tanks, while concoctions of nourishing liquids coursed through their ranks.
When out on the landing pad there arose such a clatter, I climbed out of my anti-grav hammock  to see what was the matter.  Away to the view port I stumbled in a daze and looked out on the landscape covered in haze.
The light of the moons shining down on the dome cast a lustrous reflection on the hydroponics bay below.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear but a bright red flying saucer with blinking lights on the rear.  With a little Gray driver so busy and quick, I knew in a moment it must be St. Rpdzswik. 
As fast as a comet his spaceship it came, pulled by eight balls of swamp gas, and he called them by name - now, Dweezel!  now, Gkrnoid!  now Phrip and Blok.  on, Lizgrid!  on Fladz!  on Zsdig and Rodogz!
Round and round they circled, looking for a place to land, and nearly crashed into a dune of red sand.
After recalibrating his computer to avoid another goof, in a twinkling moment I heard him touch down on the roof.
As I rubbed my eyes and thought I must be dreaming, with a swishing sound he came down the heat vent in the ceiling.
He was short and stocky – a right strange-looking elf – and I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself.  His eyes, how big they were, with no ears or nose, he was bald and gray with odd looking clothes.
He was dressed in a suit made of silver lamè and although I quizzed him, he had nothing to say.
He held in his hand, instead of a cell phone, a little black box that emitted a tone.  I ducked behind the vid-screen, thinking I was in peril, but it was only a music box playing a Christmas carol.
He deftly ignored me and turned to his job, filling all the clone socks that were hung on the knobs.  He worked quickly and quietly giving everyone their desire, then he winked at me and began to retire. 

He focused his anti-grav wand on the ceiling overhanger, pressed a button and rose to the top of the chamber. 
Back up the shaft to his waiting conveyance, then he left like a spirit exiting a séance.

But he telepathically exclaimed, as he flew out of sight – ET has left the building!  And to all a good night!