A.D. is the designation used by some Earth humans to refer to the years after the traditionally reckoned year of the conception or birth of Jesus of Nazareth - the epoch of time in which we are currently living. It stands for the Latin term anno domini, meaning “in the year of the Lord.” For the approximately 2.5 billion Christians in the world, AD is more than just a way to label the passage of time; it is a representation of their faith. (Some people use C.E., which stands for Common Era, in order to avoid Christian references to refer to the same epoch of time.)
A.D. also has an important meaning for ufologists. To us it stands for “After Disclosure,” meaning the period of time after Earth governments and powers-that-be finally admit that ETs are real and from somewhere other than Earth. For ufologists, Disclosure is a very big deal – something most of us eagerly await. With every new presidential administration, there is hope that it will happen. But so far, no Big D. While we are all eager for it’s unfolding, there’s a lot of disagreement about Disclosure - when it will occur, who will do it and what the aftermath will be. Like most UFO/ET investigators and researchers, I have my opinion. However, unlike many of them, I’m honest enough to admit that I don’t really know the answers. Herewith, I present my point of view - worth as much or as little as anyone else’s, and more optimistic than most.
Full Disclosure will not come from Us alone
It takes two to do the “ET tango.” There are two sides in the contact process – us and “them” - and full Disclosure won’t be accomplished until both sides come clean. Once the existing Earth powers-that-be decide that it’s to their advantage to admit the existence of ETs and their history of contact with Earth, the groundwork for Disclosure will be laid. But we Earth humans are a notoriously skeptical of governments, so even if the President of the U.S. stands in the White House rose garden and tells us that there are ETs living in the Capitol basement, doesn’t mean we will believe him. It's gonna take more than that. The ETs are gonna have to come clean publicly in a manner that will leave no doubt to even the most skeptical of us. There are a lot of unknowns regarding Disclosure, but one thing is certain - ETs will disclose their presence openly only when they are ready – not before. And until the ETs make themselves openly and undeniably known, full Disclosure won’t exist.
After my years of contact with ETs and Experiencers, and as unhappy as it makes me, it’s my belief that those of us who are alive today will most likely not be around to see full Disclosure. ET groups have been interacting with humans on Earth since before recorded time, and more openly for the past few decades through the media, arts, and technoloogy - gradually building acceptance of their presence on Earth. But no ET in his right mind will make a public entrance anytime soon; until he knows that he’s not gonna get his head blown off. Judging from the current state of life on the Earth, it’s gonna take several more generations of humans, under the influence of ETs, before we are ready to openly and safely receive them. When human society has progressed to the point where ETs can safely land in the middle of Central Park and cause only minor curiosity, that's when they will come; and not before then. So, maybe our great great grandchildren will be on the welcoming committee – but not you and me.
Disclosure will not bring about the destruction of the human species or the planet
Disclosure theorists have different ideas about what life on the Earth will be like post-A.D. Many believe there will be periods of chaos and disarray, martial law, and general hell-in-a-handbasket stuff. Some say that the churches will be empty; some that the churches will be full. Others believe certain “ascended” humans will be taken, rapture-like, off the Earth to other planets and spiritual planes, while the rest of humanity will be left behind. Will A.D. be accompanied by chaos, upheaval and destruction? Perhaps, but if it is, the ETs won’t cause it. They’re not here to destroy us. And they're not here to save us either. We'll sink or swim on our own. They'll merely be watching and waiting.
There’s no place like home
There’s no place like home
The universe possesses an immense variety of intelligent life, but I guarantee that there is no other race in the universe like Earth humans. ETs have been interacting with us and our world for millennia because we are so unique, and as long as we are interesting to them, they’ll keep coming. They aren’t gods, caretakers or mentors. They are intelligent beings motivated by their own needs and desires. When the time is right for them, Disclosure will happen.
So, basically, I believe that A.D. is not going to be an event, but a process; a process of change for the Earth and her inhabitants. Whether that change will occur as a result of some natural or manmade calamity, or just the slow, inexorable creep of evolution, when the ETs do finally land on the White House lawn, it'll be the right time, and our great great grandchildren will have only one thing to say to them -