Wednesday, April 8, 2015

ET Abductee/Contactee Resources

          There are many groups throughout the world who exist to help and support ET abduction/contact experiencers and further humanity's knowledge and understanding of the UFO/ET phenomenon.  Some are organizations who maintain therapist referral lists and some are small local support groups.  Below are some organizations that I am familiar with and recommend. 


Oldie But Goodie

MUFON - Mutual UFO Network - Experiencer Research Team -

          Have you ever wanted to be a UFO Investigator?  This is the place!  Started in 1969 (as the Midwest UFO Network), this group is still active in investigating UFO sightings and research.  They've taken a lot of flack over the years about being everything from a black government tool to a front for the Illuminati.  The truth is they're a group of normal people (some experiencers, some not) who are interested in the UFO phenomenon and dedicated to rooting out the truth.  MUFON chapters are located in nearly every state and most have regular meetings.

          Originally, MUFON was concerned mainly with the "nuts and bolts" of UFOs, but in the past few years, they have recognized the reality and importance of ET/human experiences and events and have expanded the scope of their investigations, training and support accordingly.  Their Experiencer Research Team maintains an extensive list of qualified therapists and support groups throughout the world and you don't have to be a MUFON member to access them.


Been Around for a While But Still Alive and Kickin'

OPUS - the Organization for Paranormal Understanding and Support -

          The mission of OPUS is to educate and support people having unusual/anomalous personal experiences, which may include extraordinary states of consciousness, spiritual or parapsychological phenomenon, close encounters with non-human entities, and/or UFO activity.

          Through its educational services and position of neutrality, OPUS provides a safe and caring meeting place for people and groups with the intention of working together to expand the overall knowledge and support people to integrate their anomalous experiences into everyday life.  Donations are accepted, but membership is not required.

Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters
New Kids on the Block
FREE - the Foundation for Research Into Extraterrestrial Encounters -
          This organization is relatively young, but it boasts a very impressive group of experts in all areas of the contact/abduction experience.  The goal of FREE is to assist experiencers to understand their experiences, provide assistance in the form of information and personal support, and to help move humanity toward a deeper understanding of their place in the Universe. 
          In keeping with that goal, FREE maintains a list of qualified counsellors and therapists, an ongoing free experiencer research study, an experiencer buddy program and a radio show.  Donations are accepted, but membership is not required.


           As I said above, there are many groups throughout the world who exist to help and support abduction/contact experiencers and further humanity's knowledge and understanding of the UFO/ET phenomenon - I've provided information on only three. 

          If you want to share your personal contact experiences, gain knowledge of the phenomenon, or get involved as an investigator, the above groups will be glad to hear from you.  And if you're not ready yet, they'll be there when you are. 



Tuesday, March 31, 2015


     Having worked with many Experiencers, looking into ET abduction/contact as an investigator, exploring the function of the human mind as a therapist, and living through it as an Experiencer, I’ve come to some conclusions about the phenomenon that science refers to as Sleep Paralysis.
         If you are an Experiencer, you are probably all too familiar with waking up suddenly from sleep and seeing or feeling strange things going on in the room, beings standing at your bedside, moving around the room, touching you and possibly even verbalizing, and you being unable to physically react.  It’s one of the most real, frightening, and common, parts of the contact/abduction experience. 

     Science declares that what abductees/contactees believe to be a paranormal event is really sleep paralysis - a normal, physiological function that everyone with a human brain has experienced at least once, and in some cases more than once, even chronically. 
        So who's right, Science or Experiencers?   I think the answer is BOTH!
       Sleep Paralysis (SP) is a natural phenomenon in which a person wakens from sleep and temporarily experiences an inability to move, speak or react, and which is sometimes accompanied by strange and terrifying hallucinations, including sensory effects.  (Sound familiar?)
     Without going into a lot of boring detail, the scientific explanation is that SP is a transitional state between wakefulness and sleep that corresponds to the Theta level of brainwave activity (4-7 hz).  Since you pass through Theta when you fall asleep and again when you wake, it can occur at either point.  When that happens, somehow your awareness of sleeping and being awake can overlap – a state in which your mind thinks you are awake and your body thinks you’re asleep.  You are aware, but you can’t move.  Physiologically, that makes sense.
      So, based on that description, scientists are right - abductees probably are experiencing SP.  But just because an individual is in SP, doesn’t mean that it's not part of a contact/abduction scenario.
        While some Experiencers report being abducted or contacted during broad daylight, most such events occur at night. Why?  Maybe because the visitors don't want to be seen, but since their ships are nearly always reported as glowing or lit up, I don’t think that’s the answer.  Doesn't it make sense that if they wanted to sneak around, they would turn off the lights?  (But that's a topic for another discussion)
        I believe the logical answer is that they approach at night when they know the individual will be sleeping and unable to resist.  Their presence in the room may cause the person to begin to wake up, but not all the way - enough to be aware that something is going on, but not enough to resist.  Again, the body and mind overlap.  Are they actually using our natural brain function - SP - to their advantage?  I think the answer is yes.   
        Many Experiencers report that ETs manipulate their thoughts and emotions, using their technology or abilities to keep us at a brain level where we can see and hear, but not resist. 

      Some Experiencers have succeeded in resisting their night-time visitors by making noises or even striking out at them.  In such instances, what most likely happened is that the individual woke up partially - probably to Theta, where they were able to see their visitors - but didn't get stuck there (as in SP).  Instead, their body woke up quickly and responded with movement and when that happened, the beings seemingly vanished.  Whether they actually vanished or the Experiencer just could no longer see them, is a topic of discussion among contact researchers.
       Until science can prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that ET abductions and contact don’t occur, then they must concede the possibility that they do, and that the visitors may be utilizing a natural human brain function - Sleep Paralysis.



Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Did That Really Happen?

          In Experiencer therapy, hypnosis is sometimes used to help individuals recall memories of ET contact experiences.  While hypnosis is a safe, natural state of mind, in some cases, an individual may wonder if what he/she recalled in a hypnotic trance was real or a fantasy. 

           A quick rundown of the function of the mind may help answer that question:
Conscious Mind (CM)
     ·       Makes up about 10% to 12% of your mind
     ·       Receives all the input from your senses
     ·       The cognitive part of your mind – thinks, reasons and makes decisions


Subonscious Mind (SCM)
    ·       Makes up 80% to 90% of your mind
    ·       A huge storage area for memories (information that your CM wants to keep)
    ·       Keeps you safe and functional in the world
    ·       Does not think or make things up 
    ·       Accessed during hypnosis  

Q:    So, back to the question - did you make up that memory you experienced in hypnosis or did it really happen?

A:     If you made it up, you will know you made it up.  You might not want to admit it to your therapist or yourself, but if you make something up in a hypnosis session, you will know you made it up.  You will also know you weren't hypnotized, because hypnotic trance states happen at the level of the SCM, which isn’t capable of making things up. 

On the other hand, if you think you might have made it up, but aren't sure, it was probably real. 


Q:    What I experienced in my trance was like a book I recently read. How do I know my experience was real or if I was just remembering the book?

A:       If a memory of the book is still floating around near the surface of your SCM, it may be part of what you recalled in the trance.  But it’s more likely that the reason you were attracted to the book in the first place was because of something real that happened to you similar to the book and the memory was still in your SCM.


Q:      What about false memories?

A:       Technically, there's no such thing as a false memory.  It's a misunderstood term  that has come to mean inaccurate information that a person remembers.  Because of the function of the mind (explained above) everything that enters your SCM is stored there as a memory.  Your SCM doesn't know the difference between true and untrue information.  So a all memories are real memories.  Is it possible to make up something while in a trance?  Yes.  And could an unscrupulous hynotherapist lead you to certain conclusions about a memory?  Yes again.  But a qualified, ethical therapist will not. 

For more info on memory, see the post on this blog entitled "Why Don't I Remember My ET Visits?" 3/3/11. 


     The truth is that recovering specific memories of ET contact/abductions, or anything, can be a tricky, lengthy process and may not even be possible.  But if you decide to go for it, you first need to let go of judgment, be patient and allow information to arise from your SCM at its own pace.  Then examine the information that came up and decide what it means to you.  If you need help, find a sympathetic, but objective friend or therapist to assist you.