Does RT work?
RT can
be very helpful in recovering memories in a variety of situations, but the
human mind is very complicated and the process may not be easy. While law enforcement agencies sometimes
utilize the procedure to help gather clues about a crime, a court of law may
not accept such evidence because of the nature of memory. See “Why
Don’t I Remember My ET Visits” in this blog (March 3, 2011). While false memories and fantasies are a
possibility in an RT session, a qualified experienced therapist can help weed
those out and get to the truth.
How Does RT Work?
is a common state of mind that we experience almost daily,
going in and out of trance states without even noticing. When attempted on purpose, though (as in RT), it’s usually
more difficult and may require time and effort to reap results. When memories are brought forward into a
person’s conscious mind, the process helps to diffuse intense emotions attached
to the memory, allowing an individual to examine and analyze the memory and attendant emotions logically.
How is RT Different from Past
Life Therapy (PLT)?
process is essentially the same in both, but PLT is concerned with revealing memories
of past lives. In PLT, standard hypnosis and
regression techniques are used to induce and maintain a deep trance, and the
therapist acts as a guide and support to the client.
Is RT Safe?
(including RT) has been used safely and effectively since the 19th
Century. Like any type of therapy, though, it
effectiveness depends on many
factors and it doesn’t work all the time for everyone. When done correctly, hypnosis and RT are
safe. During a hypnotic trance an
individual doesn’t lose control over their mind or surrender their will to anyone
else - including their therapist. If an individual has serious mental, emotional or cognitive problems, hypnosis should be utilized with them only by a qualified medical professional.
I’m pretty sure I’m an
experiencer and I want to remember it, but I don’t want to be
No problem. RT may not be necessary to recover your memories. It is only one of the therapeutic tools
available to qualified therapists and counselors to help their clients recover,
manage and benefit from their memories.
So what should I do?
There is no right or wrong answer to this question - it depends on you. If you are thinking about trying RT to recover your ET contact memories, there are several things you should consider before deciding. See "Should I Get Therapy for My ET Experiences?" in this blog (November 5, 2010).
Good luck with exploration of your contact memories!
So what should I do?
There is no right or wrong answer to this question - it depends on you. If you are thinking about trying RT to recover your ET contact memories, there are several things you should consider before deciding. See "Should I Get Therapy for My ET Experiences?" in this blog (November 5, 2010).
Good luck with exploration of your contact memories!