Friday, November 19, 2010

Catch a Wave!

            As a UFO investigator, I have often wondered why so many ET abduction experiences take place in the depths of night when the experiencer is sleeping. I used to think it was a coincidence or that ETs just love to party when the sun goes down.  Obviously, they don't want to be seen, but in my role as a hypnotherapist and student of the mind, I have come to believe that it’s more than that.   While ETs may enjoy an evening out on the town, when it comes to working with humans, I think they know exactly what they are doing and when to do it.  Of course, UFO skeptics, debunkers and other non-believers claim it's all about sleep paralysis and dreams.  And in some cases, they may be right.  But certainly not in every situation.

            The human brain is made up of billions of brain cells - neurons - that use electricity to communicate with each other.  The combination of millions of neurons sending signals at the same time produces an enormous amount of electrical activity in the brain.  When viewed on an encephalogram (EEG), this activity has a cyclic, wave-like nature, and so it is commonly called a “brainwave pattern.”  Your mind regulates its activities by means of electric waves which are registered in your brain.  Psychologists refer to these waves as Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta.

           Basically, the faster a brain wave moves and the higher the frequency, the more alert you are.  The slower a wave and lower the frequency, the more chilled-out you are.  You see, we all have the ability to get to Margaritaville any time we want by simply shifting our brainwaves down.  It may not be as much fun as tequila shots, but it's a lot cheaper and easier on your liver.

So it seems that it's all about waves and frequencies.  ETs evolved on planets and dimensions different from Earth, so their physical functions and abilities, vision and hearing, are different from ours.  Their bodies also vibrate at frequencies different from ours, which makes it difficult or impossible for us to see or hear them when in our natural waking state of consciousness.  And just to make the whole thing even more difficult, most ET groups have agreed not to show themselves to humans in the 3rd dimension, even if they have the ability to do so.  Fortunately, such agreements do not prohibit communication.  When you've been working with human beings as long as the ETs have, you know how to make things happen.

According to ET communication researchers – and information from ETs themselves - the key to success in ET-human communication is the activity level of the human brain.  We seem to be able to see and hear our space visitors better when we are in chill-out mode - Theta wave level or slower.  The problem is that the only thing slower than Theta is Delta - sleep - and then we're too out-of-it to communicate.  So Theta seems to be the ideal frequency for contact and communication.

Consider a typical ET abduction scenario - an individual is snoozing peacefully at night (or during the day if he's on vacation, unemployed or living in Spain), suddenly he is awakened by a sound or movement and opens his eyes to see strange beings or lights in the room.  He then finds himself either transported to another location or waking up sometime later wondering what happened.  Many abduction experiences are of this type.  What likely happened is that even though the person thought he woke up, he didn't - not fully.  Instead, he woke up only to Theta level - the level just above sleep.  At that level he could see, hear and feel the ETs, but he wasn't awake enough to put up a fight.  The ETs then were free to take the person out for a galactic pizza, peform a physical examination, install implants, or whatever, and return him when they were done.  It works great for the ETs.  And in most cases, probably for the humans too, who are often left with no more than a strange scar, someone else's p.j.'s or vague memories. 

In another type of contact scenario, people have reported waking up to find strange beings around them, but instead of being taken by the beings, they resisted with physical action - such as yelling, clapping their hands or punching the ETs in the face.  Whereupon, the ETs disappeared.  In actuality, what likely happened is that the person was awakened by the presence of the ETs to what they thought was full consciousness, but what was instead, Theta level.  They saw the beings and became frightened, which caused a natural adrenaline rush in the body.  This enabled them to make a noise or strike out at the beings and at the same time brought them up to Alpha or Beta consciousness (awake) - a state in which they could no longer see the ETs.  The visitors didn't necessarily disappear; the person just couldn't see them any longer when awake.  It makes sense.  Blood adrenaline levels are low when you're sleeping.  But if someone sneaks up and wakens you suddenly, a shot of adrenaline is the fight-or-flight cocktail that instantaneously launches you out of a dead sleep into full-on ninja mode.

             Even during daylight, experiencers often report being contacted by or communicating with ETs while in an altered state of consciousness such as meditation or prayer.  Once the person is roused from the altered state, the beings disappear.  

Altered state and meditation protocols that affect human brain wave levels have been developed and effectively used by some ET communication researchers for the past few years.  If you're interested in communicating with ETs, it's possible to learn to attain the Theta level and remain at that level (which is the hard part) without falling asleep.  But it requires practice.  Meditation techniques such as Yoga Nidra and brain wave entrainment CDs can be helpful.

What about all the other abduction scenarios that don't involve waking up from a deep sleep?  That I don't know about.  We have so much more to learn from our visitors about them and about ourselves.  But most researchers in this field agree that ETs have the ability to manipulate the human brain in many ways.  And according to some ETs, Theta waves are involved in at least the sleeping events.

So the next time you wake up with strange creatures standing by your bed and you're not in the mood for an unplanned outing, try throwing a punch at them.  They'll be gone in a flash and you'll be too awake for them to mess with you - at least this time.  On the other hand, if you are up for an ET field trip, try not to wake up - stay calm and don't open your eyes too wide.

The truth is that ETs are here, and our own natural brain waves may enable us to get to know them.  How cool is that! 


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