Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Are You An ET Experiencer?

           Experiencers are people who have had contact with extraterrestrials, aliens or interdimensional beings.  There are millions of Experiencers walking the Earth today, and millions more who came before us.  Contact between ETs and human beings is much more common than most people are aware of.  We know that ETs are here now.  Some walk among us disguised as humans (although some are very poorly disguised).  People have been approached by such beings in shopping centers, hospitals and other locations - in broad daylight.  In his books, Charles Hall recalls occasions when the Tall Whites he interacted with at the Nellis Range, Nevada, in the 1960's were actually bussed into Las Vegas on gambling and shopping outings.  A fascinating story.  Some aliens lead normal human lives, but in fact are star seeds, walk-ins or ET/human hybrids.  You may be one of those.  Or not.
            While the following list is not exhaustive, these are the most common signs of ET contact.  There may be other explanations for these things, but if you have experienced all or most of them, you may be an Experiencer.

            -  Have you experienced “missing time” – a period of time that you can’t account for?

           -  Have you found bruises or marks – especially scoop-shaped marks – on your body for
which you can’t identify the cause?

            -  Do you often have nosebleeds or unexplained blood spots on your sheets, chronic pain in your nose or sinus problems that medical science cannot diagnose and cure?
            -  Have you seen UFOs at any time in your life?
            -  Have any members of your family had abduction or contact experiences?
            -  Has your clothing or anything else in your house been in disarray for no logical reason when you woke up?

            -  Do you dream about abduction or contact experiences?
            -  Have you seen beings that you didn’t recognize as humans in your bedroom or anywhere else, including public places?
           -  Do you have waking memories of being inside a UFO or interacting with the occupants?
           -  Do you have trouble sleeping through the night for unexplainable reasons?
           -  Do you feel fear or anxiety over the subject of UFOs or aliens?
            As I said, this is not an exhaustive list.  But it covers the most common signs.  On the other hand, if you have never been through any of these things, it's fairly safe to say that you are not an ExperiencerIf you haven't already noticed, from your own experience or from the above list, being an Experiencer isn't always a bowl of cherries.  And if you're not one, good for you. 

            If you are an Experiencer, what should you do?  That depends on you.  You might find my post on this blog entitled "Should I Get Therapy For My ET  Experiences?" (Nov. 2010) helpful.  Good luck and welcome to the club!


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

HAPPY 2011!!

Feliz Ano Nuevo - Bonne Annee - Prosit Neujahr - Hauoli Makahiki Hou - Kul 'am wa antum bikhair - Athbhliain faoi mhaise duit/daoibh - QISmaS DatIvjaj 'ej DIS chu' DatIvjaj

        The above is "Happy New Year" in Spanish, French, German, Hawaiian, Arabic, Gaelic and Klingon.  Sorry about leaving out the other 6,904 living languages.  But it's a short post. 

         2011 is, in numerology, UY4 - the Universal Year 4 (or 13, depending on the type of numerology you use).  I'm not an expert, or even a very knowledgeable amateur in numerology, but I do find it interesting and about as dependable as any other means of predicting what's gonna happen in this new year.  Since time is merely a human construct anyway, I usually take this date on the calendar with the proverbial grain of salt.  But it is a good time to take stock of what I have or haven't done and what I still need or want to do.  It's also a good explanation for the increasingly saggy, wrinkled and gray person who dwells in my bathroom mirror now.  Time may not exist, but something has definitely been undermining my body.  Life, I guess.  

          Anyway, this is the time of year for divination, prophesying and making educated guesses about the immediate and distant future, and if you have been following any of that lately, things look pretty grim.  If you believe what you read on the internet and in various books and monographs circulating now, you've probably already built a cabin in the mountains and stocked it with supplies, gold and weapons.  I haven't.  Which may be a mistake and may find me wishing at some point that I had a copied down directions to your mountain hideaway before you left.  At this time, though, my mind is too filled with today, tomorrow and next week to think much past that.  It's otherwise known as living in the moment.  Not a very effective method of amassing a sizable nest egg or preparing for Armageddon, but if the Earth is going to hell in 2012, then I don't have to worry about it, do I? 

           Essentially, I am what Rogers & Hammerstein called a "cockeyed optimist."  Not because I possess any special insight into future events, but because of something that seems to be part of my DNA.  I come from the "what you don't know won't hurt you" school of philosophy.  I'm not cavalier or careless in my daily life, but when it comes to the future, I choose to let it be a surprise.  As a relative newcomer to this human form, there are many things I haven't experienced.  But since learning about my true background and origins, it has become clear to me that I didn't come here to experience the end of Earth.  Even though I've encountered many things that I didn't bargain for in my contract, I don't believe that death by worldwide cataclysmic event will be one of them.

          Since I'm not an oracle, sibyl or psychic, I have no predictions for 2011 or any advice on the best way to get through it.  I have only my blessings.  And one wish -

                       May everyone be happy.  May everyone be free from misery.
                       May no one ever be separated from their happiness. 
                       May everyone have equanimity, free from hatred and attachment.

                                                                              Buddhist prayer

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Unconditional Love

         A few months ago, a friend and fellow seeker of Truth raised the subject of unconditional love during lunch at a local Mexican food restaurant.  I don’t know what it is about Mexican food that seems to inspire metaphysical discussions, but in my experience, it does.  Or maybe it’s the margaritas.  Whatever.  Anyway, somehow the subject of unconditional love came up over the chips and salsa, and after a respectable amount of time spent pondering the subject, my friend and I came to a very important conclusion.  We concluded that we needed another bowl of chips.  And eventually, we came to a conclusion about unconditional love. 

          Unconditional love is a beautiful concept.  We all want to get it, and many people believe they should be able to give it.  But for most humans in this timeline, unconditional love - received or given - is an unachievable goal.  This may not be a concern for those of us pedaling as fast as we can simply to keep body and soul together.  Or for those individuals who don’t have unreasonably high self-expectations.  But for anyone engaged in a serious metaphysical examination of themselves and the Universe, the idea of unconditional love can’t be avoided.  Nearly every session with spirit guides or ascended masters concludes with the exhortation to bless those who persecute us, turn the other cheek and love unconditionally.  It seems that for those who aspire to spiritual growth and enlightenment, the ability to love unconditionally is a prerequisite.  And a source of frustration.  My friend had the audacity and honesty to declare her belief that unconditional love is impossible.  And I concurred.  I know, I know, for seekers of Truth, that's heresy.   So be it.

          Some may teach the concept of unconditional love, but you can bet that few achieve it.  Even our spiritual betters have trouble with it.  According to the Bible, Jesus, in his physical incarnation, taught unconditional love.  But he knew none of us could do it, so he forgave us all in advance, gave up the ghost and went home.  The Quran teaches that Allah loves only the righteous.  So there's no unconditional love from the god of Islam.  What about Angels?  They seem so loving, but basically they are messengers, servants and hired thugs.  They may be able to  walk through walls, but they don't love unconditionally either.  Greek, Roman and pagan dieties, by Jove?   δεν, non and not with a ten-foot pole. 

          Some people think Buddha taught unconditional love.  Not so.  What they are thinking about is compassion, which is often confused with love.  Buddha did teach that compassion is necessary for enlightenment.  But compassion, as he saw it, isn’t the same as human love, unconditional or otherwise.  Buddha's compassion is the desire to alleviate suffering wherever it appears.  Love doesn’t need to be involved at all - only action.  What about Mother Theresa and Mahatma Gandhi, you may ask?  Both had compassion, strength of will and super-human physical stamina.  But unconditional love?  Being clothed in the same cloth as the rest of us, I think not.  Spirit guides and ascended masters are the only beings who seem capable of pulling off unconditional love.  And they don't live here.

          Aren’t parents supposed to love their children unconditionally?  Wouldn’t that be nice.  Unfortunately, parents are only human, and again, the answer is No.  Trust me, the Universe doesn’t require us to love our offspring, parents, spouses, friends or gods without condition.  We are, after all, merely naked apes scrambling up the ladder toward the sweet, ripe bananas at the top.  Try as we might, we are limited by ourselves and the ladder.

          On this side of the veil, unconditional love is a lot like the perfect pie crust.  You can try every recipe in your cookbook, take classes as Le Cordon Bleu, or use Pillsbury’s best, but don’t be surprised when the perfect pastry doesn’t manifest.  It’s an unattainable goal – just like unconditional love.
          So if unconditional love is impossible to achieve, why the metaphysical exhortations from religious teachers and inhabitants of the higher planes?  Well, that depends on who you think our spiritual betters are and their agendas.  If you believe that they are beneficent beings with humanity’s best interest at heart, then you probably think they are doing it to give us something to strive for.  A level of higher consciousness to aspire to.  (Like we don’t already have enough on Earth to keep us busy.)  If you think they are super-human beings who enjoy setting impossible goals for the occupants of this physical realm and enjoy watching us fail, then you are probably resistant to all pronouncements from on high, including to love unconditionally.  And if you don’t care one way or another, then you probably think it's just a load of metaphysical mumbo-jumbo and have better things to do. 

          Me?  Well, I’ve already stated my position on the subject.  But lest I sound like a bitter, hateful naked ape, let me say that I’m part of the group who believes our spiritual higher-ups give us the goal of unconditional love as a boost up the ladder toward the ultimate banana (otherwise known as pie in the sky or heaven).  They don't actually expect us to get there, but they do expect us to try.  I don't know what's awaiting us there, but I think unconditional love will be somewhere in the room.  If we really make an effort to care about our fellow inhabitants of this beautiful blue zoo, whether we grab the magic bananas or not really doesn’t matter.  Our everyday efforts in this direction make life more palatable - and maybe even enjoyable - and that's what matters.  Unconditional love is so delicious that all we need is just a little taste now and then to make life here worthwhile.  And every one of us can pull that off on occasion.

          So if sometimes you find it impossible to dredge up more than a modicum of affection for your offspring, parent, spouse or god, don’t worry about it.  Just keep working your way up the ladder with as much kindness and patience as you can muster at the time.  There are sweet, ripe bananas all along the way and all the unconditional love you can stomach at the top. 

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