Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Are You An ET Experiencer?

           Experiencers are people who have had contact with extraterrestrials, aliens or interdimensional beings.  There are millions of Experiencers walking the Earth today, and millions more who came before us.  Contact between ETs and human beings is much more common than most people are aware of.  We know that ETs are here now.  Some walk among us disguised as humans (although some are very poorly disguised).  People have been approached by such beings in shopping centers, hospitals and other locations - in broad daylight.  In his books, Charles Hall recalls occasions when the Tall Whites he interacted with at the Nellis Range, Nevada, in the 1960's were actually bussed into Las Vegas on gambling and shopping outings.  A fascinating story.  Some aliens lead normal human lives, but in fact are star seeds, walk-ins or ET/human hybrids.  You may be one of those.  Or not.
            While the following list is not exhaustive, these are the most common signs of ET contact.  There may be other explanations for these things, but if you have experienced all or most of them, you may be an Experiencer.

            -  Have you experienced “missing time” – a period of time that you can’t account for?

           -  Have you found bruises or marks – especially scoop-shaped marks – on your body for
which you can’t identify the cause?

            -  Do you often have nosebleeds or unexplained blood spots on your sheets, chronic pain in your nose or sinus problems that medical science cannot diagnose and cure?
            -  Have you seen UFOs at any time in your life?
            -  Have any members of your family had abduction or contact experiences?
            -  Has your clothing or anything else in your house been in disarray for no logical reason when you woke up?

            -  Do you dream about abduction or contact experiences?
            -  Have you seen beings that you didn’t recognize as humans in your bedroom or anywhere else, including public places?
           -  Do you have waking memories of being inside a UFO or interacting with the occupants?
           -  Do you have trouble sleeping through the night for unexplainable reasons?
           -  Do you feel fear or anxiety over the subject of UFOs or aliens?
            As I said, this is not an exhaustive list.  But it covers the most common signs.  On the other hand, if you have never been through any of these things, it's fairly safe to say that you are not an ExperiencerIf you haven't already noticed, from your own experience or from the above list, being an Experiencer isn't always a bowl of cherries.  And if you're not one, good for you. 

            If you are an Experiencer, what should you do?  That depends on you.  You might find my post on this blog entitled "Should I Get Therapy For My ET  Experiences?" (Nov. 2010) helpful.  Good luck and welcome to the club!


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