Thursday, May 19, 2011

Myths About ETs

          Before I begin, I need to issue a caveat.  Since no one on Earth at this time knows the whole truth about ETs (including this blogger), what you are about to read may not be completely accurate.  However, to the best of my knowledge and experience (and the knowledge and experience of others who I trust), it's pretty close to the target.  As always, use your judgment and agree or not.  It's up to you.  So, in the words of the immortal Jackie Gleason - AWAAAAAY WE GO! 

Myths About ETs

Myth #1 All aliens are bad.

Myth #2  All aliens are good.

Myth #3  All grays, reptilians and insectoids are bad.

Myth #4  - All grays, reptilians and insectoids are good.

Myth #5 - All Pleiadians, Nordics, Lyrans,  ______________ (fill in the blank with any tall, white-skinned, blue-eyed, beautiful beings) are good.  How could anyone that beautiful be bad?   Of course, that's a myth.  And if you are seriously asking that question, I have some ocean front property on Mars I'd love to sell you.

Myth #6 All ET abductions/contact experiences are really lucid dreams, sleep paralysis, fantasies or psychotic episodes.  Yes, some abduction/contact experiences are those things.  Likewise, some lucid dreams, sleep paralysis, fantasies and psychotic episodes are really ET abductions.  Go figure.

Myth #7 - Humans were created by ETs to be a slave species.  I know I'm gonna ruffle some very well-known celebrity feathers when I say this (if said celebrities ever bother to read this, which I doubt they will), but to my knowledge, this is a sensationalist myth or incorrect interpretation of ancient material.  Are we ET research subjects?  Yes.  Descendants of aliens?  Maybe.  Slaves?  No.

Myth #8 -
You're kidding, right?  Hillary? Noooooooooooooooooooo!

Myth #9Jesus was an ET.  This one could be true. 

Myth #10 - ETs hang out with evil people.  Which means that ETs are evil. 

Down through history, ETs have partied with just about everyone.  After all - when in Rome . . .  But in all known Earth history ETs have never demonstrated the cruelty to humans that other humans have - as exemplified by the mustacheoed psychopath in this photo.  If the ETs had been on his side, we'd all be eating wiener schnitzel three times a day - or be dead.

Myth #11 - ETs will rob and shoot you. 

LOL!!! OMG!!! Too funny!  Stop me from laughing before milk starts shooting out of my nose!!!!    

The Truth -  The more time I spend in the UFO community, as an investigator, researcher, and therapist, the more open-minded I become.  I like to think that's because I'm such a wise, spiritually advanced person.  (Not.)  But I suspect it's simply due to the many years I've spent as a human being on Earth during this challenging period in history.  One thing I've learned is that hate and fear are commodities we have too much of.  We'll all be much better off if we stop being afraid of each other and the other members of God's creation.

My Advice  - Keep an open mind.  Don't believe every word you read.  Don't follow any teacher or philosophy whose mantra doesn't ring true to you.  Be cautious when opening up your door - or your mind - to anyone you don't know - human or ET.  And keep smiling.  It may not make things better, but people will wonder what you've been up to.



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