Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Can you believe it?  Another year is gone and a new one will soon begin.  And a big one it will be.  Or at least it's supposed to be.  Depending upon who you talk to, or read, or listen to on the radio, or follow on any of the multitude of social media sites, 2012 could herald the end of life on Earth as know it - which might not necessarily be a bad thing - or it could surprise everyone by just turning out to be another year on this beautiful blue globe splinning through the universe filled with happiness and sadness, good fortune and bad, peace and war - you know, the litany of human existence.  Actually, this is the option I've got my money on.  But just in case I'm wrong and the apocolypse does come next year, I've stashed a six-month supply of cat food and toilet paper in location known only to me.  Many people are expecting some kind of spiritual enlightenment and some people just hope that they've bought enough beef jerky and water purification tablets to hold out until the provisional government is in place.  Whichever camp you've pitched your tent in, I just wanted to share with you some of my favorite images from throughout the year - holiday and otherwise - and say Happy Holidays!

Okay, Officer, I admit that I had one-too-many eggnogs before leaving the North Pole. 
But he's not really there, is he?

Know what I'm talkin' about? (You know who you are.)

The artist called this painting "The Baptism of Christ."  Personally,
I'd call it the best sky-watch ever!

Through the eyes of innocents.

See, you're not alone.

Who says ETs and humans have nothing in common?

Peace on Earth - Goodwill to Everyone!!

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