The term "abduction" has typically been used to describe certain types of interactions between ETs and humans. But research has revealed that ET-human contact events are so varied that the word "abduction" doesn't accurately describe them all. In addition, many people who have had positive contact with ETs don't like the negative connotation of the word "abduction" and prefer not to use it.
Experiences with ETs run the gamut from traumatic and horrifying to blissful, uplifting, and life-affirming. Sometimes even humorous. And while there are different theories as to why one person can't wait for the next encounter and another person is terrified to go to sleep at night for fear of one, there's no solid explanation for the difference. That's fodder for another post.
Experiences with ETs run the gamut from traumatic and horrifying to blissful, uplifting, and life-affirming. Sometimes even humorous. And while there are different theories as to why one person can't wait for the next encounter and another person is terrified to go to sleep at night for fear of one, there's no solid explanation for the difference. That's fodder for another post.
While there may be some variation in the uses of these terms, the following is a general guide to help describe the ET-human interaction experiences that are being reported today:
Abduction - A person is taken, against his or her will, by an ET or interdimensional being, for a variety of purposes, and returned afterward. The person may be conscious or unconscious during the experience and may have full memory, partial memory or no memory of it afterward. Typical scenarios exist and may be traumatic or benign.
Taken - Similar to the above. Except in this case, the person is taken with his or her knowledge and compliance, and may have memories or not. Scenarios tend to vary more in this type of event than in abductions. Usually, these Experiencers are the ones who can't wait to go again.
Visitation - A person may be visited and interact with ETs or other dimensional beings in his or her home or somewhere else, but they aren't removed from where they are.
Psychic contact/communication - ETs or other beings make contact with a person when he or she is in a meditative, prayerful or deep trance state. Usually this is done for the purpose of sharing or downloading information from ET to human, or exchange of information. No transport is involved.
Encounter - An unplanned meeting with an ET or other being. Can turn into repeated visits, takings or abductions. Although unlikely, it is possible to accidentally run into an ET when you - and they - least expect it. ETs aren't infallible. They do sometimes end up in the wrong place. And that strange-looking guy you ran into outside the bar last night may not be from "around here."
Working with an ET or other interdimensional being - Believe it or not, some humans work with ETs or other beings as part of their job. Usually this is in a controlled environment, government or military facility under strict guidelines and agendas. I don't remember that presentation at career day in school, but I'd love to apply for that job.
MILABS (military abductions) - A human experiencer is abducted by other humans. Similar to an ET abduction, but done by agents of the U.S. or other national military or black operation or project. The experiencer may be taken to an Earth facility or to an off-world military or governmental facility for various purposes - frequently not nice.
Basically, any of the above experiences constitutes valid ET contact. As you can see, they are very different, and so the term Experiencer has come to refer to any person who has been through any of them. While the typical abduction experience is still being reported, the psychic type of contact is becoming more common. But whatever yours is, there is no right or wrong ET Experience. They are all valid.
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