Since starting this blog, I have been called many things, some unmentionable in mixed company, but most harmless sticks-and-stones kinda stuff. This isn’t surprising. Everyone knows that the blogosphere is populated by wackos with an axe to grind and nonsense to rant about, including, in some cases, this blogger. But the most interesting moniker I've acquired in the past few months, by way of some of my less appreciative and closed-minded readers, is “ET Lover” (also stupid, deluded, possessed, damned, etc.). What does surprise me is that those folks read my blog at all. You’d think the title alone would be enough to send them running for the holy water. But obviously not. Maybe they’re just taking a stroll on what they think is the dark side.
To be fair, some of my accusers have kindly offered to pray for me and even offered me a ticket for a free month of deprogramming. To them I say thanks and I appreciate your concern for my soul. I really do. I appreciate your prayers and I’ll definitely keep your offer in mind if I decide to have my mind turned inside-out.
As an Experiencer therapist, I’m well aware that many humans don’t love ETs. These are often the individuals who end up in my office seeking answers to some very big questions. Their experiences are valid, and their fear and loathing of ETs is understandable. But with help, many of them learn to let go of their fear and hatred and find peace of mind and happiness. Not for the sake of the ETs, but for themselves.
So, am I an ET lover? Not exactly love, but respect. I seek to understand ETs for the benefit of my clients and my world, but I’m not naïve enough to trust them all without proof of their trustworthiness. I’m not naïve enough to trust all humans either. I don’t think it’s wise to throw open our doors – and minds – to every Tom, Dick and EBE who comes along in a flashy flying saucer or in a flashy YouTube video and invite them in for beer and skittles. Like humans, ETs have motives for their actions. Some honorable, some not. It's my belief that they're pretty much like us.
So, if one day ETs actually land in my back yard, they’ll have to prove themselves and their motives to me before I invite them in for a cold one. And if they don’t eatn my trust, they won’t get an invitation. Those who do will be welcome at my kitchen table.
So, if one day ETs actually land in my back yard, they’ll have to prove themselves and their motives to me before I invite them in for a cold one. And if they don’t eatn my trust, they won’t get an invitation. Those who do will be welcome at my kitchen table.
Completely useful..good source, thanks anyway!