Tuesday, October 26, 2010


          T'is the season for witches, ghosts, goblins and sexy nurse costumes (on most people, truly horrifying) and the perfect time to talk about a spirit channeling session I recently attended.  While most of the information that came forth over the course of the evening dealt with issues of the living, some were directed to the spirit world - particularly appropriate for this time when the veil between the living and the dead is thinner than usual.  [Cue evil laughter.]

          The channeling session was conducted by a psychic/medium who reads cards and palms at a local new age store and this evening had agreed to channel for a group of academics, scientists and sundry skeptics - otherwise known as running the gauntlet.  Ground rules for the evening were: each person could ask one question, anyone who experienced head-spinning, cursing in dead languages, projectile vomiting or bouts of laughter during the session must excuse themselves from the room, and no alcoholic beverages could be consumed in the presence of the spirit.  No explanation was made for the latter, but from some of the answers that came forth, I suspect that the spirit had been a tippler in life.  Actually, I think the last rule was made up by the hostess, for the sake of the carpet, instead of being an edict from beyond the pale.

           After all beverages had been banished to the kitchen, everyone settled in and got comfortable, and our psychic opened up the floor for pre-channeling questions from the audience.  One querent (we’ll call him Mr. X) asked, “Is it okay to ask questions about what it’s like in the spirit world?”  A good question, which our psychic answered affirmatively.  She then settled into her seat at the head of the circle, closed her eyes and called forth her guide – the spirit of a 17th Century midwife (spirit description changed to protect the innocent) to speak through her.  I have done some of this, but not in a long time, so I was surprised when I began channeling, along with the professional psychic.  A tall, light being (ET?) who I had seen only once before - at a live webcast (UFO Contact, Paranormal Matrix TV, June 5, 2010) - joined me and began to give me answers to everyone’s questions, at the same time the ex-17th Century midwife was answering through the psychic.  I have found that when light beings come around, it’s a good idea to pay attention; they don't usually drop in just to give someone a hot foot.  Well, not usually.  Anyway, I paid attention, and it was actually fun comparing the answers from my source to the information coming through the psychic.  Our answers were in agreement, in most cases, and I remained silent, since it was her show, not mine.  But my source has a rather blunt and acerbic wit, so I found myself stifling giggles more than a few times during the evening.  

         Working our way around the circle - question, answer, question, answer - it was eventually Mr. X’s turn.  By this time, everyone was looking forward to finding out what it’s like on the other side – the answer to his question.  Instead, he disappointed everyone, caved in to his ego and asked a different, trick question, designed to make himself look superior and the psychic look like a fake.  (There’s one in every crowd.)  While he succeeded in making himself look like an ass, unfortunately, he also succeeded in making the psychic look, in the eyes of some of the audience, like a fake.

           After all questions had been answered – satisfactorily or not – the psychic left and people stood around eating, drinking and discussing the event.  Many seemed to think she was at best a fake, and at worst a fraud.  But I didn’t agree.  I wasn't disappointed at all, because I knew that the secret to getting anything out of these channelings is to ask the right questions.  If there’s one thing you need to know before going to a spirit channel, it’s this - don’t expect to get solid, factual information about the physical (3D) world from the spirit (4D) world.  It won’t happen.  You might as well ask me how to make a choux à la crème, which would be a waste of time, because French cooking and I don’t exist in the same dimension. 

          The rule of thumb is - don’t go looking for information about the physical world in the spirit world.  There were others in the audience who were sincere and weren’t playing stump the  psychic, but whose questions were not answered satisfactorily either.  Again, because they weren’t appropriate.  Don’t expect answers about the 3D from the 4D.  In most cases, by the time we get into spirit, we are either incapable of connecting with the living (because we've gone on to bigger and better things), or we don’t want to (again, because we've gone on to bigger and better things).  It may sound harsh, but if you managed to pull yourself out of a pool of quicksand onto the solid, safe bank, would you want to jump back in, or would you want to get as far away from it as you could?
Spirits can give us help and information about spiritual things - wisdom, advice, comfort, support, motivation - knowledge that can be very helpful, but when it comes to telling us what to do in the physical world, in most instances, they can't, or won't.  If you want to know which stock to buy - ask a broker.  If you want to know where your recently deceased Uncle Bob buried the money - get a metal detector.
We live in a physical world, and we are, at least on the outside, physical beings.  Death occurs when the brain ceases to function, the organs shut down, body functions cease, and the conscious mind (the seat of logic) and subconscious mind (storehouse of memories and emotions) dissolve, and everything contained therein ceases to exist.  If there is a soul/spirit, it makes its exit at this point.  Where does it go?  Well, I'm not sure, but I am certain that it's farther away than New Jersey.  As much as we don’t like to think about it, when our physical bodies die and our minds dissolve, everything else that we are follows suit.  The spirit is like a puff of smoke, incapable of holding anything physical.  No more logic, no more feelings, no more memories, no more ego, no more physical attachments.  Whenever the physical body dies, there is no longer a connection with the physical world – or to those of us living in the physical world.  There isn’t even memory of the physical world, because there is no mind to hold it or brain to recall it.  Regardless of how connected we are when living or how much we love our family and friends, when we die we transition into a different form and exist in a different form.  The audience that night didn’t understand that.  They were looking for solid answers where there are none.

          While the information I got from my source didn’t agree with everything the psychic said, I think she was genuine and honest, and I thought she did okay.  But the whole experience reminded me why I stopped doing group channelings – the people.  The people who make up trick questions to show you up for a fraud, and the sincere people who would be better off not knowing the answers.  As much as we don’t like it or want to accept it, sometimes things, and people, are better left on the other side.

**otherwise known as All Saints' Day, All Souls' Day, Hallowed End, Samhain, Hop-Tu-Naa (on the Isle of Man), or Halloween – whatever rattles your chains!


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